Sometimes i feel like there are so many thoughts going my head at once that it just might explode! Usually I can fix it before that happens but I am just waiting..... so I think I will take a few mins and share some things that I am thinking about.
The first topic being family. I love my family with all my heart, immediate and extended. I am a bit sad as three of my four brothers are joining the Marines and in the next month all three will be gone to boot camp and the house will have a lose of madness. Still trying to decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I am happy that they have chosen to serve their country and to learn new skills, I just hope and pray that they dont get hurt in the process, mainly for my mom's sake, I dont know how she would deal with it all!! I think often of those in my extended family that are going through some tough times. My cousin recently lost her little boy, he was found in his bed with a cord from the blinds wrapped around his neck. He was just over a year old. I grieve with their family and wish that there was more that I could do to help.
Next, friends. One of my best friends goes into the MTC today, in fact, she went in just a little over two hours ago! She is going to be a great missionary and will be able to help and touch so many people's lives! I am so proud of her. But at the same time I feel as if I am slowly loosing my friends. Many have gone off and gotten married or finished school and moved away to start their real life as a professional. I shouldnt be sad about it, but sometimes I feel as if I may be one of the last few around with no friends and it makes a little teary-eyed at times. But then I remember that we have things called the phone, facebook, email, snail mail, and a transportation to keep in touch with all of these great people that we meet in life. I hope that I can stay friends with them forever and ever!!! :)
Last topic for the day, then I must get back to work. ;) Boys. Why is it that no matter where you look or who you talk to they always end up being trouble??? And when you finally find one that you think you could like and meets your whole list of qualifictaions, they are taken right out from under you! It just isnt fair. I have had my share of experiences with guys, and some have been ok, some horrible. I am getting sick of it all! And because of the horrible experiences that I have had, I find that I really am having a hard time being able to trust a guy when it is in a dating situation. I know ir discourages guys when that happens, but all I have to say is that they brought it on themselves gosh dang it!!!!
Well that is all for now, the ranting and raving will be put on hold until another time! :)